Saturday, December 20, 2008

Well friends Im so sorry that I have neglected this blog but I have had such a lot going on in the last 6 months or so........I wont bore you with details but I haven't been well and things have got on top of me........hopefully now that they know whats wrong I can get into some sort of routine

Im hoping the New Year will bring new beginnings and that it will bring better health, wealth (lol) and happiness to us and to all of you next year

I promise I will try to update my blog more often.....Im gonna make it one of my New year's resolutions


Louise Emma said...

Cal, we understand that you have been poorly and I am sure all bloggers will understand that sometimes things have to be put to one side babe. Wishing you health, wealth and happiness for 2009 sweetie xx

Shell Shearer Swinscoe said...

Hugs for you hunny ...hope the new year brings you better health xxx
love n hugs to you n Bri xxxx
merry christmas xx c you in the new year cus I need my partner in crime back to full health to cause havoc at the craft xxx